Friday, August 17, 2012

Food Friday: Meat Loaf Salad

Yes, you read the title of this blog post correctly. I am sharing a recipe for Meat Loaf Salad.

This salad idea comes from the circa 1925 Chi Omega Cook Book edited by The North Shore Alumnae of Chi Omega for Xi Chapter House Fund. Northwestern University. Evanston, Ill.

The Preface states:

"In this day of the mounting cost of living, the problem is to so spend the dollar as to bring the best results. The complex demands of modern life are a challenge to the intelligence and foresight of the college-bred woman to use her budget so as to provide her family with the most adequate diet obtainable."

It goes on to declare "Thanks to scientific research, we have learned that calories alone do not build up energy, that unless certain properties known as vitamins are present in the food, force is lacking."

In the salad section there are all types of salad including the Meat Loaf Salad.

This salad reminds me of processed luncheon meat. Although I've ate a lot of luncheon meat in my life I think I would rather have the Stuffed Tomato Salad with Lobster in the last recipe.