Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dark Chocolate Breakfast Bar

CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST !!!with granola, hickory smoked BACON, espresso beans and pecanswhat self respecting chocolate lover doesn't dream about chocolate?well, now you can wake up, enjoy your chocolate and feel fabulous about the day ahead.A GOOD DAY STARTS THE CHOCOLATE WAY!CHOCOLATE IS THE CURE ALLof course there are health benefits in dark chocolate....

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Acorn Cookies

I think if anyone tasted this out of the blue, the flavor would immediately say: dark chocolate. Even with eyes closed these taste chocolatey. But there's not a drop. It's basically just an ordinary cookie. White and brown sugar, two sticks of butter, cinnamon, vanilla, two eggs, baking powder. Maybe 3 or 4 cups acorn flour. As I've mentioned, we had...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Scylla and Charybdis: Olives

This year's olive harvest was rather nice.  *Yes, my two little trees are named Scylla and Charybdis, because I planted them a little too close on a slope, so picking is somewhat treacherous. Last year almost the entire harvest was devoted to my mad attempt to press oil by hand. Warning: it can not be done. So this year I tried various cures....

Friday, October 11, 2013

Food Friday: Watermelon Pickles from Tullie's Receipts

This week I received a wonderful gift in the mail. My friend Lee over at Hunting and Gathering (a blog about 19th and 20th century Georgia photographers) sent me two packages of cookbooks. Receiving this collection of community cookbooks, recipe booklets, and compilations was a great way to start the week.Photo by Gena Philibert-OrtegaOne of the cookbooks...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Copy Cat Sparkling Daily Cleanse Probiotic Drink

MY NEW FAVORITE HEALTHY DRINKquite similar to the "Kevita" Lemon-Cayenne Daily Cleanse...which, by the way, is about 3.25 a bottle.i was tired of spending all that $ AND i was collecting way too many bottles.  so...i decided to experiment with the probiotic lemonade recipe i found HERE at Flock in the City.  a few red pepper flakes and fresh...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Food Friday: Luncheon

Who doesn't like a luncheon? Typically a community cookbook has individual recipes and sometimes a few menu plans. But in the case of the Maturango Museum Luncheons Cook Book (Ridgecrest, California 1981), it's all about the luncheon. The first pages of the cookbook include a history of the luncheons that ran for two years in the early 1970s. Luncheons...

Royal Raspberry Ras el Hanout Truffles

TRUFFLES...not always the perfect sphere,but guaranteed smooth chocolaty decadence.take the short cut and make truffle need to slave over a messy chocolate bowl with latex gloves and rolling into perfect little balls.i've made so many little truffle balls in the past year or two that i've lost count.  it's the rolling, the mess and...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Urban Forage

The term urban foraging means many different things. To some, it's anything in a city that overhangs a public street, whoever owns the tree. To others it means dumpster diving. In Stockton, it means finding public spaces where there are things most people don't think of as food. And get them before the critters do. (Though leave some for them too.)...

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